Candidate: Mark A. Luft         Position Sought:  Mayor, City of Pekin


1. Please provide us with some basic information about yourself (family, education, employment, etc.)

Current City Council Member
30 year Retiree from Illinois American Water Company
Former owner of Maurie’s Fine Candies
Former President and C.O.B / Pekin JFL
Married to Lelonie Luft/ 5 children

2. What education, skills and experiences do you bring to the Pekin City Council?

I believe the education I have gained over the last 4 years with our budget, ordinances, departments’ functions and policies qualifies me for this position. I have taken a leadership role as a council member to ensure we are following proper procedures and policies while holding people accountable when those are bypassed. I feel I also bring open communication throughout the team and the public that has been lacking for many years. Pulling a team together to work towards the same goals is not a easy task and I feel I have proven my ability to do this. I am not afraid to face new or difficult challenges and provide the work ethic needed to accomplish our goals. My character, vision and work ethic have proven that I am the right person for this position.

I have brought many skills to the city council, since being seated in May 2015, starting with leadership. I have helped open doors of communication that have been closed for too long and addressed issues that have been ignored for too long. Business as usual has not been on my agenda. I have voted no on budgets that have not been transparent and have stayed consistent on pointing out and trying to eliminate waste in our already tight budget. One of the most important tasks that I have worked very hard on is bringing the council, Mayor, Corporate Council, City Manager and staff together as a team for the taxpayer. I believe the last four years have finally tilted the scales back to the taxpayers. We have restructured departments, brought in new team members and, most important, open the communication lines with the public.

3. What has motivated you to seek this office?

I am seeking the office of Mayor because I do feel we have had poor leadership in that position for too long. As a councilmember, you are restricted as to how far you can reach to make significant and needed changes. I feel the Mayor should have the ability to pull the council together as a team in order to get business done and keep us moving forward. The Mayor should possess the ability to communicate with ALL entities of our local government AND open communication with the taxpayers. The position of Mayor is not a dictatorship and should never be allowed to reach that status. Communication, communication, communication.

4. What is your vision for the community and how are you going to get us there?

My vision would be to get the City fiscally sound, our city government transparent to the community and growing economically in a positive direction. We can do this by putting the right people in the right positions that are committed to developing a 5, 10 and 15 year comprehensive city plan and taking the necessary steps to achieve those goals.


5. What do you believe is the Mayor's role in the city manager form of government?

The Mayors role in city government is first and foremost LEADERSHIP – I believe it is the Mayor’s role to bring the City Council, Corporate Council, City Manager and Staff together as ONE team. It is important to have all entities on the on the same page, as a foundation of our community and the direction we are heading. The Mayor position has a responsibility to build a strong and positive and reflection of our community and our local government.

6. Do you support the city manager form of government? Why or why not?

We currently function under a City Manager form of government. I believe this function gives us a better transparency and checks and balances.

7. Do you support Home Rule in Pekin?  Why or why not?

As far as Home Rule, I believe this should be a decision made by the taxpayers. I would be in support of a referendum at any time to give the citizens of Pekin their voice and choice.


8. What, if anything, should the City Council do to retain, expand and attract "head of household" jobs and new residents?

I feel the Council has worked hard to put our city in the best possible position to enhance our economic development opportunities.  These are not the days of businesses knocking on doors. The Internet has created a culture that has forced all communities to take a good look at their retail game plan. For example, in 2018 it was estimated that 18% of retail stores have closed across the country. We have seen this affect in our own community. The convenience of sitting at home on our computers and having just about any tangible item delivered has dramatically changed everything. We have to seek out economic development opportunities that the experience outweighs the convenience. Without economic development there is no wealth to share and all burdens will fall on the taxpayer. The Council has worked hard to put Pekin in better position to address these cultural changes. We have brought in a new Economic Development Director who has a proven success record and a clear understanding of where we need to go. We have also set a clear message to our economic “partnerships” that Pekin needed to be a priority. We also contracted with an Economic Development firm in Alabama who has an established relationship with brokers across the country. We need to take advantage of being on the river and having city owned property in an industrial park. We can use these assets as incentives to attract larger business opportunities. These assets can be used to make us attractive to new industry that we can use to seek out better opportunities for the city and gaining head of house jobs.

9. How should the City Council invest the remaining Downtown TIF funds?

TIF Funds – How we invest our remaining DOWNTOWN TIF funds will be extremely important decision. I feel over the last 4 years the council has made solid decisions on the improvements to our downtown area, not only in improving the look of our downtown area but most importantly in the increased occupancy of buildings that were left abandoned for to long. We have gone from 25% occupancy of downtown building to upwards of 75% occupancy.

10. What, if anything, should the City Council do to promote tourism in Pekin and the region?

The city, Park District, Police and Fire Departments, as well as the private sectors need to work together to promote and encourage tourism. We need to make it easy and attainable to hold events using the current assets we have in our community. We have awesome Park District facilities that have the potential of tapping into one of our country’s top tourism events: Youth Sports. We also posses an asset that most communities do not have, The Dome. With the city working hand in hand with Park District leadership and The Dome, I feel we have assets needed to increase our tourism.


11. What are your thoughts on the completion of Veterans Drive all the way to I-474?

Although we have many serious priorities in front of us as a community, I do believe the completion of Veterans Dr. to I-474 is necessary for the future vision of Pekin.

12. Should the City of Pekin continue to invest in the infrastructure of the Pekin Municipal Airport? Why or why not?

The investment in our airport has certainly been an important and necessary need. We have basically rebuilt our airport with pennies on the dollar due to State and Federal grants. The airport offers a unique asset to existing local companies and future industry looking to locate in Pekin. This is an asset most communities cannot offer.

13. Please identify the three most important infrastructure projects in the City of Pekin. How do you propose to pay for these projects?

Our storm, sewage and drainage systems should be an absolute priority. In the last year we have established a committee to specifically focus on this priority. We have successfully addressed some of these issues that had been put on the back burner for too long. We are on the right path in continuing efforts to resolve these issues. Our roads are certainly at the top of our priority list as well. I believe this current council has invested more into our roads than past councils. Through the input of our Engineering Department, Street Department, budget workshops and our taxpayers, we should be able to establish a 10 year improvement plan.


14. Are there opportunities to cut expenses?  Are there departments that are over-staffed? Where, specifically, would you support cuts?

There are always opportunities to cut spending and reallocate spending in areas where there is waste. The best way to find the right answers in both areas is to start with face to face interaction with all departments. Meeting with city employees and getting their input on where they see waste and where they need help. When employees are treated as part of the team and encouraged to engage in open dialog, they tend to become more involved in helping find solutions. Citizens should never feel that their input is not heard in regards to taxes and fees. If there needs to be a change in these areas, the public should be fully informed and allowed their input. We need to establish a simpler and clearer form of communicating these issues to our community.

15. Are there areas where spending needs to be increased?  Are there departments that are under-staffed? If yes, where does spending need to increase and where would the money come from?

Refer to #14.


16. If elected, what would be your top three priorities?

Leadership. Without strong leadership, we will stay idle in our efforts to move forward in a positive direction. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is not the answer. Business as usual is not an option. We need leadership that can guide us through these ever changing times. We need leadership that can think outside the box, understand the issues we are facing today and has a strategic vision on how to guide us into the future. Leadership that can make the tough decisions to ensure the stability and success of our community today, tomorrow and down the road. We will not achieve our goals without a leader who has open and honest communication with the Council, staff and the community.

Pension Obligation. This is an area that I personally have worked hard on from day one. Pensions are not only a concern for our community, but for the rest of the country as well. This is a serious topic that all parties should be engaged in. We need to stay constant in our education and seeking solutions. The State of Illinois passed a law dictating our pensions be fully funded by 2040. This will not be an easy task. We cannot afford to push this off to the next council or the next generations. We also cannot afford to hear leadership positions say “I wont be around than so I’m not worried about it.” The facts are our children and grandchildren WILL be around. To ignore this situation and pass it to the next generation is irresponsible and wrong.

Economic Development. Refer to questions #8, #9, #10 .

17. What distinguishes you from the other candidates?

Leadership, communication and trust and the ability to bring people together as a team.